Frequently asked questions: childcare in the WABE daycare centers

Children go over a suspension bridge in the outdoor area

WABE-Kitas are an offer to all children to conquer the world on their own way. We encourage every child: discover what you can do!

Our daycare centers are places where children can try things out in a protected environment. We support your child in their personal development and give them:

  • the freedom to develop at your own pace,
  • the opportunity to actively participate in the day-to-day running of the daycare center
  • the ability to trust in one’s strengths and
  • the ideal conditions for discovering one’s interests.

From settling in to starting school – this is how your child experiences day-to-day daycare

The acclimatization in our crèches follows the “Berlin model” or the “Munich model”. From day one, we focus flexibly on the individual needs of each child. Depending on the model, we initially expect an adjustment period of at least two to four or four to six weeks, of which you as parents will accompany your child for at least six days. These times vary, depending on the child’s temperament and readiness.

You are your child’s anchor during the adjustment period until the relationship with the new caregiver is solidified. During this time, our educators are in dialogue with you as parents and reflect on the progress together.

If you have confidence in your child and in us as the WABE daycare center, the transition will go well for everyone. We support you!

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A reliable daily routine is important for children. It gives them security and orientation. We give the children plenty of time for free and self-determined play. The exact times differ in the crèche and elementary area and roughly include:

  • early care with free time and targeted offers
  • breakfast buffet
  • morning circle or morning conferences
  • educational offers, followed by free play time (flowing transition to elementary school)
  • possibility to have a lunch break
  • afternoon nap or rest time in the crèche area
  • free play or educational offers, first pickup time
  • snack break
  • free play or educational offers, pickup time
  • final round in elementary school
  • late care

You can find a video with an exemplary daily routine here: A day at the daycare center

All WABE daycare centers attach great importance to healthy nutrition. At the open breakfast buffet, your children can help themselves to their taste from fresh raw vegetables, fruit and whole grain products. We pay attention to a seasonal and regional selection. Some of our daycare centers are supplied with healthy lunches every day by two of WABE’s own production kitchens. Mineral water or unsweetened tea are available all day.

When it comes to mealtimes, your child decides for himself when and how much he wants to eat. In this way, he learns to pay attention to his body’s signals.

When we cook and bake together, we teach the children how to handle food and the joy of preparing healthy meals.

WABE supports you in balancing family and career. Most of our facilities are open 10-12 hours a day, giving you great flexibility. We are there for your children all year round and only close between Christmas and New Year’s Eve and on two to three concept days a year. You will be informed of these dates in good time.

The individual care times can vary depending on the facility or federal state. Please speak to the daycare center management on site.

For the exact opening hours of the individual daycare centers, visit our facility pages .

In the last year before starting school, our oldest enjoy special privileges. Our specialists teach the preschool children basic skills in all areas of education such as mathematics, language, music or natural sciences in a playful way. In addition, motor skills as well as social and emotional skills are strengthened. In Hamburg we take part in the Kita bridging year.

Pedagogy and support in our WABE daycare centers – this is how we work

Kind mit Gießkanne gießt große Sonnenblume

All WABE and WABE Nord centers work according to the concept of open pedagogy of mindfulness. That means: We accept your child with its own personality. We respect their needs and give them the space and time to develop according to their own inclinations and abilities. Our educators accompany the children and give suggestions for playing and learning. In the function rooms with different educational focuses, the children can move according to their needs and find out what they are made of. The basis of our pedagogy is:

  • the appreciation of each child with their individual characteristics,
  • the opportunity for self-determination and co-determination as well as
  • the sense of belonging in the daycare center community.

From the first day of settling in, your child will have a reliable reference educator by their side. She is also the first point of contact for questions and requests from parents. However, every child at WABE has the freedom to choose their own play partner and reference educator if new sympathies develop over time.

Exercise in the fresh air and closeness to nature are important focal points in the WABE daycare centers. The children can let off steam every day in our spacious outdoor areas or on nearby playgrounds. Some of our daycare centers also have their own animals, such as chickens or rabbits, which the children look after, or plant herbs, fruit and vegetables in their own beds and greenhouses.

Our daycare centers follow a holistic approach and support your child in all areas of education. The pedagogical specialists are specialized in a subject area in which they offer the children a wide range of learning opportunities. In the well thought-out and well-equipped function rooms, your child will find plenty of inspiration to live out creativity, the urge to move, imagination and the joy of discovery.

But the most important thing at WABE is: Your child gets to know themselves. In doing so, they experience self-esteem and self-efficacy. It can discover and try out its personality and its individual talents. Therefore, we plan a lot of time and space for free play and self-determined development. Our goal is for every child to continue on their way as a happy and self-confident person after leaving daycare.

Our open pedagogy of mindfulness is an inclusive concept. Every child is involved, their individual potential is encouraged and their participation is made possible. We understand diversity as an enrichment for all children and want to offer every WABE child the same opportunities.

Our new buildings and conversions are planned barrier-free and there are therapy rooms with special funding opportunities. In addition, we work closely with a network of local therapeutic facilities in every WABE daycare center (e.g. speech therapists, physiotherapists).

Many of our facilities currently have specialists with special education qualifications who support children with special needs.

For detailed information on individual daycare centers or questions about individual funding options for your child, please visit our facility pages or contact your local daycare center.

Practical parenting information

Parental contributions for childcare depend on the state-specific regulations.

The daycare center voucher system applies in Hamburg, in which basic care of 5 hours a day is free for all parents. You can find more information on how to apply and any additional costs here (in German):

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the state bears the full cost of childcare.

In Schleswig-Holstein, the respective municipal and city administrations are responsible for collecting the contributions. Depending on the daycare center location, you can get information from the city administration of Lauenburg/Elbe (including WABE daycare center Lauenburg), the city administration of Pinneberg (WABE daycare centers Bismarckstraße and Parkstadt), the municipal administration of Rellingen (WABE daycare center Spiel(t)raum) or the city administration Tornesch (WABE-Kita Weltenbummler).

You can find the contribution rates for our daycare center in Usingen, Hesse, in the overview of the cost contributions of the city of Usingen. These only apply to families living in Usingen. For regulations in neighboring communities or other costs for early care or variable hours, please contact the daycare center management.

The parental fees for our daycare center in Oberndorf am Neckar, Baden-Wuerttemberg, can be found in the overview of kindergarten fees of the city of Oberndorf.

If you have any further questions about parental contributions, please contact your institution or the WABE e.V. office directly, either by email at or by calling the parent hotline on 040-303 909 77.

Have you decided on a WABE daycare center? Simply use our online form for a non-binding registration. We will get back to you promptly.

You know your child best and are therefore our most important educational partner. An open exchange between our educators and you as parents promote mutual trust and also have a positive effect on your child.

We allow you to participate in your child’s day-to-day activities through a high degree of transparency, for example in the case of job shadowing and individual portfolio folders. You can support us at campaigns and festivals or as a parent representative. We always have an open ear for your concerns and remain in dialogue with you during greetings and farewells, topic-related parents’ evenings, regular development talks or individual appointments.

WABE e.V. attaches great importance to a safe environment for your child. In our own framework protection concept, we define important security standards to prevent inappropriate or violent actions. We regularly offer our parent representatives training courses on child protection.

Kinder fahren auf Spielautos durch den Flur