Frequently asked questions: WABE as a cooperation partner in schools

Kind liegt mit einem Buch auf dem Sessel

Our offer in all-day care

GBS: All-day education and care in schools , Hamburg. The GBS is a cooperative model between the Stockflethweg primary school and WABE e.V. as a youth welfare organization. On the basis of the common pedagogical concept, both provide an education and care package tailored to the needs of the children and work in close cooperation. Outside the compulsory school hours, the provider is responsible for looking after the students.

OGS: Open all-day school , Ahrensburg. WABE e.V. is a cooperation partner of the primary schools “Am Aalfang”, “Am Schloss” and “Am Reesenbüttel” and is responsible for all-day and holiday care. The offer sees itself as a supplement to educational opportunities in addition to the school learning material.

Our teams for afternoon and holiday care are made up of qualified employees: educators, curative education nurses, social pedagogical assistants and pedagogues design a varied program and look after your child according to the concept of open pedagogy of mindfulness .

Yes, your child can get a hot meal every day if they wish. Registration for lunch is made together with registration for all-day care, depending on the location via WABE e.V. (Ahrensburg) or via the school (Hamburg).

Lunch is charged based on income. An exemption after the education and participation package is possible.

Some of the current menus can be viewed on the school website or on our facility pages for OGS Am Reesenbüttel and OGS Am Aalfang .

The pedagogical offers of WABE e.V. represent a supplement to the learning and educational opportunities for school lessons. They include, among other things, free play opportunities, sports and cultural activities. We do not offer subject-specific tutoring.

Our care times

Outside of the compulsory school hours, we offer core time care in the afternoon as well as additional (paid) early and late care. The exact times are for the individual school locations:

GBS Stockflethweg: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m
OGS Am Reesenbüttel and OGS Am Aalfang: 6.45 a.m. to 5 p.m
from 01.08.2022: OGS Am Schloss: 6.45 a.m. – 5 p.m

Care times during school holidays may vary. Please visit our setup pages for more information.

A large part of the school holidays is covered by our care offer. There is no holiday care only on a few concept days, during part of the summer holidays and during the Christmas holidays. You will be informed in good time about the exact times by the respective facility.

Kinder über Hefte gebeugt, eine Frau erklärt etwas

Organizational information for registration

Kinder über Hefte gebeugt

At the Hamburg locations, registration for all-day care and holiday care is made here. For our OGS locations in Ahrensburg, register your child directly using our online form .

Depending on the location, the individual offers are also selected by the school or by WABE eV as the sponsor.

Basically yes. Please refer to the registration forms to determine whether you are deregistering via the school office or directly at WABE eV. There may be differences between school and holiday days.

The care offered by WABE eV outside of compulsory school hours is voluntary. However, registration for all-day care is binding for the coming school year. For details on the site-specific rules, please refer to the respective registration documents.

In Hamburg, care for primary school children from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. is generally free of charge. There is a charge for childcare during off-peak times (early and late childcare) and during school holidays. The amount of these costs is graded according to income. This also applies to paying for lunch.

In Ahrensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, different parental contributions are due depending on the frequency and duration of the care days and the booked lunch. These are based on the specifications of the city of Ahrensburg and can be viewed on our facility pages. An exemption after the education and participation package is possible.