WABE Daycare Center Lindenhof - Oberndorf am Neckar

WABE Daycare Center Lindenhof

Von Gunzert Str. 19
78727 Oberndorf am Neckar
Phone: (07423) 9513111
Fax: (07423) 9513113
Email: kita.lin@wabe.de
Management: Katja Ams

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Our first WABE daycare center in Baden-Württemberg was established in Oberndorf-Lindenhof. From April 15, 2024, up to 114 children can be cared for in the crèche and elementary areas. Until then, the children will receive the best support at our daycare centre in Ringstraße 7.

Our concept of Open Mindfulness Pedagogy offers children optimal educational and developmental opportunities. Special emphasis in our pedagogical work lies in the areas of health promotion and independent movement development.

The nursery is equipped with a plateau in the crèche area to promote sensorimotor development. In the generously designed studio, the children can develop their artistic talents. In the movement room, natural materials according to Emmi Pikler and Elfriede Hengstenberg offer the children the opportunity to independently face new motor challenges.

Focal points

movement & health

Age group

2 to 6 years


Management / Deputy management

Katja Ams
Anne K.
Focus: Independent movement development
Jasmin B.
Focus: Artistic design
Manuela D.
Focus: Independent movement development and excursions
Andrea S.
Anju V.
Practice-integrated trainee educator
Brigitte B.
Focus: Artistic design
Diana T.
Focus: Healthy nutrition
Elisabeth B.
Focus: Curative education
Franziska Flora M.
Jennifer S.
Kafya H.
Focus: Independent movement development and excursions
Kira Z.
Focus: Artistic design
Silke B.
Vanessa B.
Focus: MINT
Christa F.
Norbert P.
Sonja R.
Valentina K.