WABE Daycare Center Trabrennbahn - Farmsen / Berne

WABE Daycare Center Trabrennbahn

Max Herz Ring 9
22159 Hamburg
Phone: (040) 693 00 44
Email: kita.max@wabe.de
Management: Melina Blechschmidt

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary, Integration assistance

Register now

The WABE Daycare Center Trabrennbahn still offers free daycare places within the opening hours from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Pure nature and yet in the middle of the city. Our daycare center Trabrennbahn in Farmsen is idyllic, with old trees and ponds and in the countryside. Our educational “play island” for up to 150 children is located on the edge of a large meadow, far away from the noise of the streets.

We act holistically and sustainably in the best sense of the word. In short: We are a meeting place for children and adults who want to actively shape the future.


  • certified KITA21 – Die Zukunftsgestalter
  • garden of eden project
  • environmental education projects
  • regular city tours
  • experimental art and painting
  • ballet and dance
  • nominated for the Hamburg Education Award
  • heart saver training in the nursery bridge year

Focal points

  • nature & sustainability, participation, inclusion

Age group

3 months up to 6 years


Management / Deputy management

Melina Blechschmidt
Sarah Mewes
Filiz Güven
Isabelle Costa
Julia Weronika Kucinska
Focus: language promotion
Katarzyna Liebon
Kathleen Stange
Focus: singing, making music
Mandy Buchtenkirch
Marina Afshar
Marjam Zabihi
Natalia Malczuk
Sally Sabban
Celina Frentz
Christine Ryborz
Focus: health promotion / gardening
Doreen Griebert
Elzbieta Remer
Focus: healthy nutrition / baking & cooking
Fereshteh Vahedi
Focus: movement / sport
Helena Ueberberg
Leonie Brüning
Malgorzata Frankenfeld
Mandy Carina Schmidt
Focus: natural sciences / sustainable education
Melanie Bürger
Olga Louchtchenko
Ronja Kranenburg
Sanaz Dalai
Tamina Schmiel
Marco Stange
Alla Günther
Galina Venbender
Konstantina Ntagka
Marianthi Mouka
Martina Weiß