WABE Daycare Center in Radickestrasse - Rönneburg

Kitagebäude und Außenbereich mit Kletterturm

WABE Daycare Center in Radickestrasse

Radickestrasse 58
21079 Hamburg
Phone: (040) 76 41 14 34
Fax: (040) 76 42 92 45
Email: kita.rad@wabe.de
Management: Agnes Mencel

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

EN: Mon - Fri 6 a.m. to 6 p.m

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Our all-rounder children in beautiful Rönneburg near Harburg. With plenty of time for free play and great offers. Sometimes the reading godparents are guests, then the music teacher sings with us.

We educators see ourselves as companions of the 100 children who create a stimulating and development-promoting environment. Also on our many trips to the Black Mountains Wildlife Park, to the Harburg City Park or to the Kiekeberg.


  • ChildrenCultureCruise
  • Language and movement promotion
  • Vegetables for the monster
  • swim
  • forest hiking week
  • Kita overnight stays

focal points

culture & language

age group

3 months up to 6 years


Leitung / Stellvertretende Leitung

Agnes Mencel
Lidia Maier
Deputy Head
Angelique Basler
Focus: Nature & Environment
Daniela Hildebrandt
Focus: Language / Media
Flora Orlanda Tobar Santillan
Isabelle Riecke
Iwona Wasek
Focus: creative design
Lea-Monique Jens
Focus: Body / Movement
Melaika Kumar
Focus: Body / Movement
Melike Özdemir
Focus: Nature / Environment
Natalia Mymrin
Anna Ilkhan
Body & Movement
Delaney Zara de la Cuesta Seco
Jessika Holstein
Focus: creative design
Jessika Selariu
Karina Wodniok
Focus: Cooking & Baking / Child Protection Officer
Katarzyna Lüdemann
Focus: creative design
Lyane Shannon Picker
Magdalena Weber
Focus: Nature & Environment / Role Play / Safety Officer
Maria Köhler
Focus: Late service / Creative design
Martina Sählandt
Focus: Literacy & Language
Nadine Dachsel
Tatjana Ritter
Focus: Music & Rhythm
Alena Gerassimova-Gül
Alina Deimund
Helene Bredhauer
Helene Usinger
Natalia Ebert
Sergej Kautz