WABE Nord Betriebs gGmbH
Poppenhusenstr. 12
22305 Hamburg
phone (040) 30 39 09-6
fax (040) 30 39 09-88
Vanessa von Heyden | Gabriele Gramann | Marcel Graff
Commercial register number: HRB 167446
The aforementioned data is information in accordance with the German Telemedia Act (TMG). This is not information on the ownership of the individual facilities named in this website (e.g. subsidiaries, daycare centers, schools, school sites, parent-child centers) of the WABE Group. Information on the sponsorship of individual facilities can be obtained directly from the WABE office.
Anonymous contact: This informant portal offers you the opportunity to contact us anonymously and confidentially: You can report violations committed by employees of our company in connection with their work. As in the past, please direct parental complaints to the facility management, the pedagogical expert advisor or the Board of Management.
Supporting Internet agency: Pluspol Interactive
All rights reserved. All information is for personal use only – commercial use of the editorial descriptions / structure of the website is not permitted. The texts published on our homepage and the website design are protected by copyright.
External sites were checked at the time of the linking for possible legal infringements but no such infringements were found. Continuous checking of all content of the websites linked to this website cannot be guaranteed. If actual evidence of legal infringements comes to light, the link is deleted from this website.
Commercial use of the data is not allowed, for example to create your own search systems and services and/or directories of any kind.
©Copyright: WABE e.V. | WABE Group
Concept: Friederike Sterling, Hamburg
Editors : Peter Nagel-Langenkamp, Friederike Sterling, Hamburg
Text: Peter Nagel-Langenkamp, Flavia Sabath, Katja Wohlers, Friederike Sterling, Eva Krämer Hamburg
Fotos: Heike Günther, Nicole Manthey, Sven Möckelmann, Juliane Rudolph, Claudia Janson, Peter Nagel-Langenkamp, Friederike Sterling, Sanaz Safaie, Gabrielle Cerqueira dos Santos, Hamburg
Videos: Peter Pabst, WABE e.V., Hamburg
Technical implementation : pluspol-interactive, leipzig