WABE Daycare Center Rahlstedter Weg - Rahlstedt

Kinder laufen über die Dachterrasse

WABE Daycare Center Rahlstedter Weg

Rahlstedter Weg 89
22147 Hamburg
Phone: (040) 645 47 39
Fax: (040) 64 41 30 89
Email: kita.rah@wabe.de
Management: Sandra Grimm

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 7 a.m. to 5 p.m

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Dear parents,

The WABE daycare center Rahlstedter Weg still offers free full-day places (8 and 10 hours) within the opening hours from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for children from 3 years old until they start school.

Ahoy and cast offf! A wooden ship in the rolling sea, in the middle of the roof terrace with a view of the mainland in Rahlstedt. Our 120 little pirates can conquer the world to their hearts’ content. In our WABE-Kita Rahlstedter Weg we experiment and research, paint and play, sing and sometimes dance around the mast.

We give all of our children time and space to develop themselves and their imagination as best as possible.


  • Roof terrace with play ship
  • Ballet lessons
  • Intensive language support/speech therapy in daycare
  • daily preschool
  • Forest days in the elementary sector
  • vegetable garden
  • Drumming with Samba Camara

focal points

Movement, nature, language and creativity

age group

3 months up to 6 years


Leitung / Stellvertretende Leitung

Sandra Grimm
Maria-Michaela Schwertner
Deputy Head
Anja Lorenz
Office assistent
Anke Kamin
Focus: Art
Franziska Brandt
Focus: Sensory perception
Janina Kluge
Focus: Music / Language
Jaqueline Ofosu-Appiah
Liliana Figueroa Crisostomo
Focus: creative design
Marco Stahlblock
Focus: Music
Thui Anh Nguyen
Abdel Braima Djamanca
Azadeh Noroozi
Farida Rahmati
Focus: Kids Kitchen & Nutrition
Khaoula Talaitmas
Focus: Art
Laura-Sophie Totterdell
Focus: Language & Literacy / Role Playing
Lena Rogalski
Focus: Relaxation, Music & Kneipp
Nadine Busch
Focus: Language
Rahel Muleta
Focus: Natural Sciences / Basic Mathematical Experiences
Sandra Gasparovic
Focus: Role Play & Preschool
Katarzyna Lipinska
Marisa Dührkop
Sabine Terp