WABE Daycare Center Naturtalent - Ludwigslust

Außenansicht der Kita

WABE Daycare Center Naturtalent

Techentiner Weg 1d
19288 Ludwigslust
Phone: (03874) 66 37 980
Fax: (03874) 66 37 983
Email: kita.lwl@wabe.de
Management: Jennifer Neumann

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

EN: Mon - Fri 6 a.m. to 6 p.m

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Experience nature on 10,000 square meters. With apple trees, chives and tomatoes. We create fragrant gratins from our own potatoes or simply eat them with butter and salt.

Respect and appreciation for one another are important to us. As well as participation and participation for everyone! For this we have been awarded as a consultation daycare center “Participation” by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. And in the competition for the German Kita Prize 2022, we were able to convince and ended up among the best 25 daycare centers in Germany.

Curious how your kids think of this? Bring your talents to us! We help you discover!


  • 10,000 sqm outdoor area
  • Consultation day care center for participation
  • Nominated for the German Kita Prize 2022
  • Stage project “Stage free”
  • Project “Ball School§ with Hansa Rostock
  • children’s parliament
  • Language day care center
  • inclusive

focal points

nature experience

age group

3 months up to 6 years


Head / Deputy Head

Jennifer Neumann
Martina Lindhorst-Krause
Focus: Language
Susanne Sabban
Focus: Language support
Birgit Sperber
Focus: Health / Nutrition
Christina Glasow
Daniel Meyer
Jacqueline Rieckhoff
Maria Jovanovski
Focus: Music
Nicole Elfert
Focus: Art & Creativity
Nicole Kletzien
Focus: Music
Sabine Perlitz
Focus: Arts & Creativity
Susanne Lenthe
Focus: Natural Sciences
Cathleen Menge
Late service
Ines Tempel
Focus: Art & Creativity
Jenny Rügheimer
Laura Kant
Focus: Health and Nutrition
Mario Byell
Focus: Everyday integrated language education
Markus Neumann
Focus: Music and Movement
Natalie Mantik
Focus: Curative education
Stella Marie Tröh
Focus: Language
Yasmine Benmahamed
Dirk Michalak
Liane Mutzberg
Simona Siggel