WABE Daycare Center Parkstadt - Pinneberg


WABE Daycare Center Parkstadt

An der Raa 12, 25421 Pinneberg
Phone: (04101) 80 87 610
Fax: (04101) 80 87 612
Email: kita.par@wabenord.de
Management: Zohreh Ranjkardar

Kontaktdaten speichern

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 7 a.m. to 5 p.m

Care offer

Crèche, Elementary

Register now

Our little paradise in Pinneberg with a beautiful outdoor area. With chickens and a buzzing beehive. With their own honey and fresh eggs. With us, every chicken has a name. The beautiful hen Helena as well as Hahn Björn.

Our modern interior is also impressive! All interests and areas of education are catered for here. School entry should also go smoothly. Maybe directly opposite? Our international school is located there, with which we cooperate as a preschool. In English of course!


  • großes Bewegungsangebot innen & außen
  • Hühnerhaltung & Bienenstock
  • Kooperation mit WABE International School
  • Kooperation mit Pinneberger Tennisclub
  • wöchentliches musikpädagogisches Angebot
  • Kooperation mit Gewaltpräventionspädagogen

focal points

Exercise & Health

age group

3 months up to 6 years


Leitung / Stellvertretende Leitung

Zohreh Ranjkardar
Cara Meyer
Deputy Head
Chantal Kaminski
Focus: Literacy & Language
Julia Wallendorf
Focus: Nutrition / Garden / Science
Katharina Klug
Focus: Creativity / Artistic Design
Kathrin Hennig
Focus: Health & Nutrition / Wellness
Luana Lavanga
Focus: nest
Michelle Wirt
Focus: Music & Role Play
Gamze Karakas-Yurttas
Mandy Priebe
Pedagogical trainee
Gina Lorenz
Focus: Music
Jasmin Tiedemann
Focus: Preschool / Workshop
Olga Wiflinsieder
Focus: Preschool / Studio
Kerstin Rieper
Focus: Kneipp / Wellness / Relaxation
Kevin Buhr
Focus: Movement Education / Hengstenberg
Lukas Thom Suden
Focus: Excursions/District Exploration & Literacy/Language
Merlin Wunsch
Focus: building & construction
Profile picture Angela Becker
Angela Becker
Focus: role play
Ljubow Kelsch